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物理学院学术报告:Dense gas in local galaxies traced by multiple tracers

作者:     编辑:科技处     来源:   发表于: 2021-06-28 13:33  点击:
学术活动日期 7月2日 时间 9:30-10:30
主讲人 王均智(上海天文台) 地址 物理楼B座9楼天象厅

物理学院学术报告Dense gas in local galaxies traced by multiple tracers




报告摘要I will introduce HCN,   HCO+, HNC 1-0 and CS 3-2 survey with IRAM 30 meter toward a sample   of about 70 galaxies to study if such dense gas tracers can constantly trace   dense molecular  gas in galaxies. After combining the data of HCN, HCO+, HNC   1-0 in about 60 galaxies in the literature, we obtained a large sample   of local galaxies with detection of such dense gas tracers and found that   they followed the similar relation with infrared luminosities. The results   also include that the line ratio of HCN/HCO+ can not be used as the   diagnostic tool of obscured AGN, which had been used in the literature.    


   Junzhi Wang is currently a   research Professor at radio division of Shanghai Astronomical   observatory (SHAO). He obtained his Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees in   Astronomy at PKU. He was then a postdoc at Purple Mountain Observatory   and an associate professor in NJU until 2013. His research   interests are star formation and ISM in nearby galaxies and the Milky Way,   AGN feedback, and Mega-masers, using radio and (sub-)millimeter facilities in   the world, including IRAM 30 meter, Effelsberg, JVLA, NOEMA, SMA, GBT, Arecibo,   and the ALMA.




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